Success Story
“Great job, Mr. Moses!”

Midlands Health and Rehab would like to take the time to acknowledge a very special individual, Mr. John Moses Jr. Mr. Moses arrived at Midlands after an 8-day length of stay at Providence Hospital. He was experiencing severe shortness of breath and was admitted with the diagnoses of acute respiratory failure and malnutrition. Mr. Moses had been battling chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and was oxygen dependent prior to being admitted to Providence.
Upon arrival to Midlands, he required extensive assistance with most functional mobility tasks because of extreme generalized weakness and poor endurance. Mr. Moses also had decreased balance and decreased safety awareness, which was a major concern as Mr. Moses lived alone. Although Mr. Moses presented with numerous respiratory issues, he did not let this deter him from progressing toward his personal goals. His enthusiasm and dedication paid off and he was able to return home alone at an independent level!
We truly admire individuals like Mr. Moses. Thank you for choosing Midlands Health and Rehab!!!